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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Interviews: Our writers are inspired by Mr. Hartman to try out a vegetarian lifestyle

By: Libby L. and Emily V.

Q: Is a vegetarian diet healthier that a diet with meat?
A: They commonly are if you eat healthy vegetarian meals with a protein and not just eating a meal your mom made without the steak, chicken, pork, or any other meat.

Q: If you are a vegetarian can you eat dairy products?
A: If you are a vegetarian you can contain dairy products in your diet however, if you are a vegan you do not eat any products from an animal such as milk, cheese, eggs etc.

For more information Libby and I interviewed Mr. Hartman because he is a vegetarian. Here is the interview:

Q: What is your favorite vegetarian meal?
A: Mexican Lasagna and Cranberry Walnut Salad.

Q: What inspired you to be a vegetarian?
A: My wife and my son. We did research and it was healthier for our son so we decided we would all be vegetarians.

Q: How long have you been a vegetarian, and how do you think the food you eat now is healthier that your previous diet?
A: I have been a vegetarian for about one year. I don’t miss it, I feel like the food I eat now is just as good, and maybe even better. Its also nice to know that it is healthier for me, and my family.

Mr. Hartman also inspired us to be vegetarians for about one week. It was difficult to adjust to not eating any meat. Some of the things we ate were: Salads, Fish, Pizza, Peanut butter and Jelly Sandwiches, Spaghetti with no meat, and many more foods. Our experience taught us a lot about how meat can be bad for you. It can give you many diseases. Diseases that it may cause are: high levels of LDL cholesterol, kidney stones, food-bourn illnesses, type two diabetes in women, and prostate cancer just to name a few diseases a big fat juicy steak can give you. We both can be very unhealthy sometimes and we think of meat differently now. We try to watch what we eat, however we have not changed our diet to a full vegetarian diet.

We have decided not to be vegetarians full time because it is too hard for us to take away meat especially when we don’t cook our own meals. It is extremely difficult when we have been eating it ourselves for our whole life.

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