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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Entertainment: Just Another One of Those School Newspaper Articles

by: Knicki B.

So you are having trouble thinking of something to write about for your school newspaper. You try to think of something, but you just can’t do it. You are now getting very aggravated with yourself. So you start to pretend like you are doing something, but you’re not! Then you start listening to the conversations around you. Like two friends talking about a mean lady at a store, another group of friends thinking of something to write about, and two teacher-friends having a debate/fight. Now talk about exciting! They start talking about the Thanksgiving parade and whether it’s exciting or not, then they start talking about Christmas movies. Now you’re confused. How did they get from talking about a Thanksgiving parade to talking about Christmas movies? Now you are starting to get scared about being in the same room as two teachers that somehow start talking about two complete different subjects!
Now you notice that you are actually starting to have quite an article for your newspaper! Finally! You are now singing happy thoughts in your head. You wouldn’t sing out loud though because that would be somewhat freaky.

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