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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Editorial: When do Kids get Over-worked?

by: Alexis O.

Lots of kids play multiple sports. Some of these athletes play more than one sport at a time. When do they get over worked? When do the sports stop being enjoyable? People who play multiple sports can not focus or give 100% towards the sport they are playing. Some of the sports that these kids play are Basketball, Soccer, Football, Lacrosse, Baseball, Boxing, Wrestling, Field Hockey, Hockey, Swimming, Softball, Track, Tennis, etc. How do they choose? We have lots of talent here at Brunswick that gets spilt because the kids get over worked and not enough sleep. Kids keep getting forced to choose which sport to play, which sport practice to attend, or which practice do I skip? Here are some examples of kids that play multiple sports:

• Alicia C.- Alicia plays Soccer, Basketball and Lacrosse. She plays Soccer and Basketball in Fall, Alicia plays Basketball in the winter and Lacrosse in the Spring.
• Knicki B.- Knicki plays Soccer, Basketball, Lacrosse. She plays Soccer in Fall and Basketball, She plays Basketball in the winter, and She plays Lacrosse in the Spring. In the Fall Knicki chooses Soccer as her priority over basketball.
• Libby L.- Libby plays Lacrosse, Basketball, Softball. She plays softball in the Fall, she plays basketball in the winter, and lacrosse in the spring. Lacrosse is her 1st priority all the time, no matter what else she has going on.
• Erin F. - Erin plays soccer, lacrosse, and basketball. She plays basketball all year, soccer in the fall, and lacrosse in the spring. Her 1st priorities are: soccer in the fall, in the spring lacrosse and in the winter basketball. Her favorite sport is basketball.
• Luca R. - Luca plays soccer and basketball. He is going to start foot sol in the winter and track in the spring. He plays soccer in the spring and fall and basketball in the winter. His first priority is also his favorite sport; soccer.
• Connor K. - Connor plays basketball and baseball. He is going to start playing soccer next fall. He plays basketball in the winter and baseball in the spring. His first priorities are basketball and baseball.

All these kids work very hard at the sports they play. They also have to choose which sport they are going to play when they do play multiple sports. This, as some of you know, can cause some conflicts. Some people have to give up sports and some end up getting sport related injuries. But some kids only play one sport or have one main priority. This in the long run is the better choice in my opinion. Kids get overworked and most of the times they don’t even know that they are. Some kids don’t know their body’s limits. I think that it’s great that kids here at Brunswick play multiple sports, but a lot of them don’t dedicate themselves to the sorts they play. This can become a problem for their teammates. Kids, in my opinion, need to pick a sport that will be there main priority in there high school career so they don’t get overworked and can truly dedicate themselves.

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