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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Looking Forward to 6th Grade Math!

by: Todd A., Erika C., Tristan D., Robbie N., Luci R., Allie W.

In 6th grade, there are two main aspects of math, Algebra & Geometry. In more detail there are numerous units that 6th graders cover. In the beginning of the year, you get kind of a refresher unit on a big unit from 5th grade; fractions. Next year, you will be adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. You will also learn how fractions tie into decimals, and percents.

The next unit is on integers. You may be familiar with the phrase P.E.M.D.A.S. This stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction. You may not know what the term exponent means. Exponents represent a number to another power. For example 3 to the third power is 27. It’s 3x3x3.

Another favorite unit is geometry. In geometry, you learn formulas for finding area, perimeter and volume. An example to find the area of a triangle is length x width divided by 2. Finally, there is a 6th grade unit on probability. You will learn more about numbers that do not go in evenly when finding a probability. These are some of the units that you take in 6th grade .

The Increased Use of Textbooks in 6th Grade

There are a lot of changes when you go to 6th grade. One of them was the increased use of textbooks. You use the textbooks way more than you do in the 5th grade. You have the workbooks in 5th grade and then you do the work out of the textbooks so you use them way more. When you are in 6th grade you do your homework out of the textbooks, so don’t forget your textbook when you go home. Almost every day you use your textbook too and you need your textbook in class so don’t forget to take it to class. If you forget your textbook at school and you need it for homework that night you can go online to

Differences Between Investigations and 6th Grade Math

In 6th grade math, we do not use investigations. We basically always work out of our math textbook. In investigations, we always had worksheets to do that we tore out of the book. In 6th grade math, we always work out of the text book. In investigations all of our tests were approximately 2 pages long, while in 6th grade math the tests are about 3-4 pages long and we have a separate answer sheets. In 6th grade math, you have to work more independently, because the teacher does not guide you through the study guide. You must look through the book to find answers to the study guides.

Increase Amount of Tests in 6th Grade Math

This year, there are many more tests then in 5th grade. Since we spend less time on each unit, we have more units and more tests. You better study for tests because they can really bring your grade down. That means you can’t zone off as much as you could in 5th grade. There are also pop quizzes! Just kidding, there are no pop quizzes, just tests, quizzes, and the Math MSA. Studying for tests is also different. You bring home a math book or a study sheet. You will always be told when you are going to have a test.

6th Grade Math

Along with the many changes you experience when you enter middle school, there are also many changes in your math class. This article is for you, the future of Brunswick Middle School. In this article we covered the similarities between “Investigations” in 5th grade and the 6th grade “Glenco Mathematics” textbook. We also discussed the increase in tests and performance grades and the units you study in math. Finally we talked about the different periods in which you study math. Have fun learning in 6th grade math!

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