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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Creative Writing: Just Another Alien Story

by: Rachel B.

There they were, the 2 aliens, Moco and Kamly, in their spaceship plummeting towards earth. They had been on their way to the alien over lord Talt, he ruled over the planet Zetron, when their spaceship ran out of fuel because their too stupid to remember to fill up the tank.

“Uh, what do we do?” Moco screamed.

“I don’t know, haven’t you flown one of these before?” shouted Kamly.

“No, my mom always flew me.” Moco explained.

“Well, this could be a problem” feared Kamly.

“Yeah, yeah I think you’re right.” Moco agreed.

“Is there anywhere to land?” Kamly questioned.

“I don’t know. Oh wait, in that field right there” Moco directed.

“Ok, I’ll try to make it” Kamly assured.

Just then the 2 terrified, slimy, little alien’s spaceship landed in the field by the house where a little boy named Tom lived. The 2 aliens got out of the spaceship and then noticed the house. They walked over to it and looked inside threw the window.

“What’s that odd looking box?” Moco wondered.

“I don’t know, but there is some kind of moving life forms inside” cautioned Kamly.

“I bet this box ate them” guessed Moco.

“I think we better get away from it” exclaimed Kamly.
“No, no, wait, there’s another glowing box, inside this bigger box” Moco observed.

“And it talks!” shouted Moco.

Just then Tom heard Moco’s scream and went to get his mom. But when they courageously walked outside, nobody was there. They walked back inside with Tom still so confused, for he was sure he had heard a noise. He tried to get his mom to believe him but she explained to him that it was probably all in his head, and that she would put in a movie for him to watch so he could calm down. Tom screamed and jumped excitedly when he saw that his mom was putting none other than ET, his favorite movie into the VCR. Just then Moco and Kamly popped out of the bushes.

‘That was so bizarre” giggled Moco.

“Yeah, did you see what those odd looking, life forms looked like?” laughed Kamly.

“Yeah I did. Hey what’s happening with the little glowing box inside this big box now?” Moco wondered.

“I don’t know, but let’s watch” recommend Kamly.

“Whoa, that spaceship looks a lot like ours” Moco commented.

“Yeah it does” Kamly agreed.

“Hey what’s happening now? They’re leaving that hideous life form behind” worried Moco.

“Yeah, hey is that an alien?” questioned Kamly.

“I don’t know, but if it is, we must be really ugly” giggled Moco.

“This box tells so many lies” Kamly yelled.

“Why do you say that?” asked Moco.
“Because, aliens would never stay and communicate with those life forms” Kamly explained.

“Yeah, you’re right! And why would an alien actually enjoy those life forms company?” Moco questioned.

“I don’t know, this odd glowing box inside this bigger box doesn’t make and sense to me” Kamly laughed.

“Neither does this planet to me” giggled Moco.

An hour later into the movie . . .

“Oh no, this box is so confusing!” Kamly yelled.

“Yeah, aliens don’t sit on that seat with wheels and fly!” Moco screamed.

“Yeah, well maybe it will make more sense if we keep watching” Kamly suggested.

“No, nothing will ever make sense, especially this glowing box inside this bigger box!” Moco screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Alright, hush, I want to watch the box” Kamly commanded.

“Alright fine, have it your way” Moco nagged.

“Can I just say one thing?” Moco pleaded.

“No!” Kamly yelled.

“But . . . !” Moco nagged.

“NO, no, no, no no!” Kamly screamed. “Hey look at his finger, its glowing red. How come our fingers don’t do that?” Kamly wondered.

“Uh, the life forms name is E.T and how come you get to talk, but I don’t?” Moco questioned.

“Because I’m the leader” Kamly commanded.

“How come you’re the leader?” Moco questioned.

“Who landed our spaceship?” Kamly Bragged.

“You did” Moco grumbled.

“From my memory, I never wanted to go to see the over lord but a curtain person insisted and got us stuck here?” Kamly yelled.

“Me” grumbled Moco.

“And who won the best in show for their model of Zetron’s underwater volcano?” Kamly screamed.

“That wasn’t fair, my model of Zetron’s endangered tree, was just as good and should have won! Moco screamed.

“Mom the movie is over” shouted Tom from inside the house.

Just then Tom turned around to see the 2 hideous looking aliens with their faces pressed against the window. They all screamed.

“We better go home, like that other alien” Moco suggested.

“Good idea” Kamly agreed.

The boy yelled for his mother, but when she came, the aliens were gone. His mom told him,

“No, more watching E.T”

His mom left the room and Tom saw the Moco and Kamly pop back out of the bushes with a spaceship arriving behind them. The spaceship was sent down from the over lord when he found out that they were missing. The boy again called for his mom but by the time she got there the alien’s were in the spaceship and was taking off into the sky. This time the mom very irritated shouted,

“Go to bed!”

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